How To Care For Your Loved One With Dementia At Home?


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It is especially difficult for the family members to watch their loved one suffer through this disease.

If your parent or grandparent is suffering from dementia, he/she will need more care and support at home.

Signs of dementia in seniors often show up gradually over some time. Also, they may get diagnosed later than earlier because our memories decline as we age. Most people think of memory loss as a normal part of aging.

Individuals with mild to moderate dementia can remain comfortably in their own homes with adequate help. If you provide care for your parent or grandparent, having a strong support system will help immensely.

  • Become Educated: It does come as a shock to a lot of families when their loved one is diagnosed with dementia. Educating yourself about this disease will help set realistic expectations about the disease and how to overcome the challenges that are a part of this disease.
  • Join a Support Group: Support groups provide a place for many family caregivers to come and talk about what’s working and not working for them. They also allow caregivers to discuss their frustrations and difficulties with others in the same situation. Joining a group will allow you to talk about or express your feelings instead of keeping them inside.
  • Caregiver Burnout: Caregiver burnout is indeed a common occurrence. Since there are many stages involved in this disease, a patient may not stay at the same stage. With the progression of the disease, your loved one will need more time, care, and attention from you. At one point, you may feel like you no longer have a life and cannot do things for yourself. That’s where extra help or assistance will come in handy and give you a well-deserved break. It could be another family member willing to help you, or you may have to hire an agency that provides a caregiver.
  • Less Is More: While providing care for your loved one, you will start realizing that certain things work and others don’t. Many individuals with dementia don’t do well with social gatherings. In this situation, try to limit socializing to a few people. Dementia can change an individual’s behavior. Your loved one, once the life of a party, is now mostly at home. With more people comes more faces, and with that, the confusion increases.
  • No Two Days Are Alike: It may be difficult to predict how your loved one’s mood might be on a particular day. Individuals suffering from dementia have mood swings. This disease is not just a memory loss, and it’s a personality change as well. In the later stages of the disease, a person may develop anxiety and hallucinations. Individuals with dementia usually need personal care and incontinence care since he/she may not be able to go to the bathroom alone.
  • Routine and Schedule: A schedule is essential for you and your loved one. It will reduce anxiety, confusion, and frustration in individuals with dementia.
  • Arguments: If your loved one is arguing about something you know is untrue, leave it at that and try not to argue. Anger and arguments will lead to more confusion in your loved one.
  • Healthy Eating Habits: Emphasize eating healthily. Incorporate sources of proteins, fruits, and vegetables into their diet. If your loved one has other medical issues, talk to their doctor about which foods to avoid. Limit refined sugars and unhealthy foods. Also, create a schedule and have your loved one eat on time.
  • Enjoy (“Now”) Time: There are various types of dementia, and each type may have many stages. Many individuals diagnosed with the disease go on to live for many years following their diagnosis. Enjoy the time you have with them now.


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