With cold and dark winter gone, now is the time to enjoy outdoors. Mild weather, birds chirping and flowers blooming, merit for out door activities. The landscape comes to life after a long and cold winter. Animals come out from hibernation. Spring isn’t called a mood booster for no reason. Read on to discover, how you can revive your life in spring.
Healthy Food
Truth be told, chop down your odds of creating health conditions, for example, coronary illness, stroke, diabetes, and joint inflammation, by making a total dietary redesign.
Fresh fruits and vegetables become available in spring. Greens such as lettuce, peas, asparagus and kale are fresh in the market. Incorporate them in your diet along with fresh fruits. Reduce red meat and processed foods and consume healthy fats such as olive oil.
Also remember to consult with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.
Regardless of your age, exercise can improve your physical health immensely. Like any other age group, seniors can benefit from exercise to stay healthy. As we get older, mobility can become an issue but it’s important to know that any activity is better than none.
Always check with your doctor so he/she can recommend exercises that you can safely do. It’s better to avoid doing certain exercises due to medical conditions such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, arthritis and heart disease.
Increase Fluid Intake
Seniors spending time outdoors and exposure to sun can also quickly lead to dehydration. It’s extremely important to drink more water. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Also prefer to drink herbal tea and vegetable juices over soda and sugary drinks.
Lack of hydration can decrease memory and focus which can lead to increased danger of falls.
Loose, Light Clothing
Now that winter is gone, there’s no need to dress in heavy and bulky clothing. Wear loose and light clothes that compliment the spring weather. When enjoying outdoors, wear sunglasses to protect eyes from glaring rays of the sun. Remember to put sunscreen on the skin to protect it.
Health Check
It’s a good time to get an appointment with your doctor to make sure you are healthy and your levels are in check (glucose, blood pressure, cholesterol).
You can also reserve this time to get your eyes checked. With many diseases now being linked to poor oral health, schedule a visit to your dentist so he/she can address any problematic areas.
Best of All, Enjoy Outdoors
Do you like to paint or enjoy doing gardening? Perhaps going for a walk or watching sunset seems more appealing to you? Whatever the reason, spring is one of the best time in the year to enjoy outdoors. With the weather being on the mild side, use this time to enjoy outdoors alone or with family and friends.